About Reluctant Spider
In a world obsessed with being the best and already perfectly formed, I wanted something else. Somewhere I was allowed to be in process.
I really appreciate you taking some time to come visit my corner of the web.
Hi, I’m ReaS, Reluctant Spider.
I’m a writer, tarot reader, HR person, corporate person, business owner, mom of a young child, partner, and cat parent. I’m a human of the African American Diaspora, loving this weird experience of being a Black woman straddling two centuries.
But first and foremost, I’m a Witch. It’s in everything I do.
I decided I was headed to a life of priesthood when I was 12, had received The Call, and began a journey. By the 8th grade I was a devoted student of witchcraft, in my first coven at 17, and while in college began an intensive apprenticeship within the American Witchcraft Tradition - Anderson Fe(a)ri. Many years later, I became an Initiate.
What has become more clear is while the beginning and “end” is important, we spend more time in the winding path, in the middle of things, refining and defining, trying and experimenting with what we’ve learned. Integration, true integration, takes time and cannot be rushed.
Before I get any new requests: Please don’t ask me to teach you witchcraft or Feri. I’m currently not accepting any students. I’ll let you know if that changes, but I don’t foresee it in the near future.
Here’s what I am interested in:
I’d like to expose you to things. I’d like to remind you that you have permission to be in the middle, to work hard to get a grasp on things enough to be experimental, while being respectful and taking time to truly integrate knowledge into embodied wisdom. I’d like to cultivate an incubator of creativity and spiritual capability.
But first, I need to give myself permission to do so. I’ll demonstrate the way I utilize my experience for further experiments and hope to inspire you along the way. I’d love to see what you come up with too.
Welcome to the Weaver Witch,* a Web where
We weave stories.
We weave our own fates by personal experience and reflection.
We weave what may be.
We weave what has been.
We look back.
We scry forward using the shape of our own footfalls as a map.
We face, embrace, and befriend our shadows.
We dream of who we want to be and exorcise the horrors of who we don’t want to become so we can safely step into the vision we wish for ourselves.
If I have learned anything during my studies it is:
The persona is not permanent.
The persona is not static.
The persona is not all of you.
So please allow yourself to explore the rest.
Let’s do cool ish.
Where to next?
If you’re into Cartomancy, Tarot, Oracle, divination, etc, visit Reviews to see the various decks I love, Indie or mainstream alike.
Want to see actual bite sized readings? Visit my Instagram page here.
Occasionally I offer readings. I’ll link my Offerings when available.
In the spirit of experimentation, practicum, and deep dives, visit my Blog to see what’s currently caught in my web. Shadow work, journal writing, daily practice, meditation, mini challenges, and skill development are on the docket.
I also know some really talented, interesting people, funny, quirky people and I plan to let you eavesdrop into our conversations. Check here when it goes live.
Finally, I plan to pimp my friends stuff simply because their stuff is interesting, I like it, and hope you will too.
Occasionally I’ll post affiliate links and will tell you when I do. What would make me much happier would be for you to buy from your local shops instead of a big box store or online mega store. Please take care of your community by keeping your dollars in it, especially communities of color.
A note about the name*
The Weaver Witch is a merciful title instead of Reluctant Spider or Reluctant Weaver which will inevitably turn up giant pictures of spiders if you type it into Google. I like you too much for Google to think Reluctant Spider is the same as brown recluse, so you’re welcome. Spiders and I, it’s an uneasy truce, hence the reluctance… well, it’s a story for another time. Once I write how I first met Spider as an Energy and guiding force in my life, I’ll link it here. But, I promise, there are no pictures of spiders not drawn on tarot/oracle cards anywhere on this site.
You’re welcome.