A Note About Profits

A note about profits:

I have (and intend to continue to have) a full time job that pays my household bills. I only need enough income from readings or otherwise to offset the cost of this site, materials and the training to make it possible, so this privilege gives me incredible freedom for generosity and flexibility to make this a nearly non-profit endeavor.

All income flows through a charitable giving model.

10% of all profits from this site and its efforts are donated to causes of my choosing. Sometimes I do charitable drives where the model flips, 90% going to charity, 10% to me, just to keep the flow of energy moving both ways. In 2019, I donated several times to Planned Parenthood using this latter method.

Places on my short list for 2020-2021:

A local (Stl, MO) Community led Group dedicated to Racial Equity, Justice and Healing, a Black Midwife and doula center, a Trans group alliance, my local Pagan Picnic, scholarship funds, and donations of an upcoming book and training to paganish folks and/or young adult folks of color.